Culminate the week with a demonstration of newly acquired skills. Your child will showcase their equestrian talents in the "Ocean View Stables Kids Camp Olympics Show," a celebratory event where families are invited to witness the remarkable journey their children have embarked on.
9:00am: Review horse emotions and body language.
9:30am: Demonstrate your ability to read a horse’s body language and explain horse emotions.
10:00am: Catch your horse, grain, groom and saddle your horse.
10:30am: Snack
10:45am: Split into two groups:
Group one: Lesson!
Mount your horse.
Warm up at a walk and practice the exercises you have learned to control the horse's body.
Practice transitions from walk, to trot and back.
Practice your Barrel racing!! (At whatever speed you are comfortable)
Practice for your "Ocean View Stables Kids Camp Olympics Show" that will be put on for the parents.
Practice barrel racing, pole bending, and other fun activities to show off your new skills to your parents!
Group two: Review: Parts of the saddle, horse anatomy, and horse emotions. Practice for your presentation.
12:15pm: Lunch Break!
1:00: Switch groups and repeat
2:30pm: Ocean View Stables Kid's Camp Olympics Show!
Choose your favorite events and go show off your new cowgirl/ cowboy skills to your family!
3:30pm: Introduce your horses to your family and say farewell to your horse ( or until next time!)