
  • 9am: Arrive, catch, groom, and saddle your horses

  • 9:30am: Demonstrate your knowledge on horse anatomy and parts of the saddle

  • 10:30am: Learn how to recognize and identify horse emotions and body language

  • 11:45am: Lunch break!

  • 12:30pm: lesson!

    • Mount your horse

    • Warm up and practice different exercises at the walk.

    • Play a game of "Red-light Green-light" (To show that you can control your horse's speed and transition from walk to trot)

    • Do another obstacle course at a trot.

    • Learn different exercises to control the parts of your horse

    • Advanced riders will have the opportunity to lope if ready

    • Practice barrel racing, pole bending, keyhole, jumping, trail obstacles and other fun activities to show off your new skills to your parents on Thursday!

  • 2:15pm: Unsaddle, grain and groom horse

  • 3:00pm: Enjoy a snack while you wait or volunteer to help with the horses until your parents arrive.